The MINI version of the "C Quencer".
This is the assembled version.
If you want to get the DIY version, please check this:
C Quencer is a unique interactive Rythm and Melody generator.
It combines a Euclidian Rythm generator with a Quantizer based Sequencer and two WaveTable oscillators.
It generates rhythm using a formula created by The Greek philosopher and mathematician Euclid.
The idea behind his formula is to try to distribute rhythmic pulses as evenly as possible on a timeline.
Euclid's algorithm is ideally suited for generating a large family of complex rhythms. The second feature that makes the C Quencer unique is its way of generating melodies and timbre.
See more:
C Quencer はユニークなリズムとメロディーを生み出すシーケンサーです。