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AutoChord (drumlogue plugin)

500 JPY

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[Automatic Chord Synthesizer] https://centrevillage.net/products/18 Manual: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1STETnORJx4thVHWtEnZRhhcoUCoelnsyglYrK41WSf0/edit?usp=sharing Parameters: Page1. - Note: Root Note - Wave: Oscillator Shape - Cutoff: LPF Cutoff Frequency - Reso: LPF Cutoff Resonance Page2: - Scale: Music Scale - SclRot: Rotation of Music Scale - Spread: Chord composed note position - Trans: Transpose (-12 to +12 semitone) Page3: - Attack: Envelope Attack (Amp&Cutoff) - Decay: Envelope Decay (Amp&Cutoff) - Drive: Oscillator Gain - Vintage: Vintage Filter Mode Page4: - RndNt: [Note] parameter randomization - RndSpr: [Spread] parameter randomization - Detune: Each oscillator detune - Voice: The number of oscillators Page5: - LFO1: LFO1 Shape - Rate: LFO1 Rate - Depth: LFO1 Depth - Dest: LFO1 Destination Page6: - LFO2: LFO2 Shape - Rate: LFO2 Rate - Depth: LFO2 Depth - Dest: LFO2 Destination

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