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https://centrevillage.net/products/20 [Compact Multi-Effect Processor] Sprout is a high-resolution (96kHz/24bit) multi-effects processor based on the "Electro-Smith Daisy Seed”. The preset effects available on Sprout are as follows: - Tape Echo (Tape Emulation Delay, includes wow & flutter for a unique tone effect) - Modern Delay (up to 10 seconds, with pitch shift and reverse capabilities) - FDN Reverb (with pitch shift functionality) Manual: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1saTCVzIiCV5gRt6G-XFpH8VGN_nTZLHlNMYOncqhDbk/edit?usp=sharing GitHub: https://github.com/centrevillage/SproutExample 日本語: Sprout は"Electro-Smith Daisy Seed”をコアとする高解像度 (96kHz/24bit) のマルチエフェクトプロセッサーです。 プリセットで以下のエフェクトが利用できます。 - Tape Echo (テープのよれまで再現したテープエミュレーションディレイ) - Modern Delay (最大10秒のディレイタイム。ピッチシフトや逆再生が可能) - FDN Reverb (反響音のピッチシフト (いわゆるシマー)が可能) Manual: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SiaH4ZhvJiI9CSoyR5WHONj1kXMO7MvjcIarB974zro/edit?usp=sharing GitHub: https://github.com/centrevillage/SproutExample

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